Friday, January 23

Blurry vision.

I did the weirdest thing this morning. It happened like this:

Going through the motions...putting my contacts in. First the right eye, as usual; then the left. As I gently placed the lens on my left eye, I noticed my vision get really blurry. Almost worse than it is when I don't have any contacts in! Confused, I put my hand over one eye at a time to check out how my individual eyes were seeing things. The right eye was not great...the left eye was horrible! What is going on?! I thought. Did I just spontaneously lose my ability to see - even with contacts!? Everything was fine yesterday! Saramago's book Blindness popped into my brain - at least I'm not least I'm in the comfort of my own home. I ran downstairs and asked my mom if this had every happened to her - she's the experienced one with 35 years of lens-wearing - I have a measly 15 years of practice. The only thing she could think of was one morning when she put both contacts in one eye...but I couldn't have done that! I always put the right eye in first.

Turns out, I did do that. At some point in my childhood, I was told that it creates new pathways in your brain to do menial tasks in different ways periodically. At the time, that meant walking a different way to school. Or washing my hair before my face in the shower. Or putting my left sock on before my right. It's funny how many things we do in the same way every time we do them! Today, I must have subconsciously remembered this little ditty of information - and in an effort to keep the synapses firing sharply, I decided to put the left contact in first. Then, I promptly forgot and put the second contact in my left eye, too. After a dramatic few minutes of praying for my vision back, I got it.

So...either there is someone up there granting wishes...or I need to get my short-term memory checked!

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