Sunday, February 1


It's almost here...the day I'm no longer in my 20s. I haven't thought much about it until today - the first day of the month I turn 30. But it's a little weird to think I'll be 'in my 30s' in only 6 days. These last few years of my 20s have been challenging, to say the least. But I guess life is always challenging. Growth only happens in the handling of challenges.

Like the bug that just crawled down my shirt. You know when you feel like something is tickling you a little - say, right above your shirt on your you scratch it - only to find that there is something in your hand. And suddenly, there is a 1 1/2 inch long bug on your lap - with big, beady eyes and sprawling legs. It's way too big to kill. I mean, it's not really nice to kill bugs anyway because they're harmless living things, too. But there is a threshold of size at which it's no longer comfortable to crush a bug. And this one was too big. So I scooped it up and started to carry it outside, when it jumped and I lost it again! The only thing worse than a big, ugly bug on you is a big, ugly bug that you know is in the room, but can't find. There's no telling what will happen with the elusive bug!! Worst case scenario: It makes its way to your bed and crawls in your mouth while your sleeping. Why is that the first thing that pops into your head every time you lose a bug in the house? It's totally disgusting!

Of my new, 30s outlook on things - I better stop freaking out about the bug and realize that in about 5 weeks, there's a good chance I'll be eating an insect that big! It's all about perspective...

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